J & K… RTI Is A Crawling Baby
By: Raman Sharma
For proper implementation of the Right to Information regime in the state we need participation of the citizens. Unfortunately even today in Jammu and Kashmir a very few people perhaps know about Right to Information Act. Not only ordinary citizens but also people engaged in legal system and profession of journalism are unaware about this powerful law. To strengthen this act we must take it closer to the people.The government should engage at least 100 volunteers in each district of the state on honorarium basis. The act needs to be strengthen from both the ends, at the bottom people be taught and encouraged to file application and at the top, the members of the state information commission be appointed without any further delay. If the state government is actually sincere in tackling the issue of corruption then it must allow citizens to exercise their right which cannot be fulfilled without bringing awareness about the RTI Act and appointing SIC members.The training programmes for the designated PIO's and associated staff is must but in the state it has not been initiated even after 16 months of the implementation of the act. Thus the Public Information Officers are not acquainted with knowledge about the act.Under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Right to Information Act 2009, it is obligatory for every department of the government to make pro-active disclosure of the information but that is not being done so far. Not even a single department has been able to adhere to the rules of the RTI Act.It is not only the duty of the government alone but other members of the civil society should also step in. BAR councils and press clubs should take a lead for the purpose and conduct seminars and workshops on regular basis. Unfortunately even media in Jammu and Kashmir possibly at the behest of state government not giving much publicity to this noble law. They are not even covering the stories of life threats to the RTI applicants. Only a few publications are sincere are taking the cause of RTI. It is true that without the help and involvement of media RTI will not be able to reach to the common people. The other reason for slow response towards RTI is because even our elected representatives have also failed to make the state government accountable by using the mean of RTI. Not only the ministers and MLA's of the ruling coalition but also that of opposition are perhaps themselves afraid of RTI because they know that if people start using RTI then their deeds will come into light and they will no more be able to befool the people.The response of NGO's and social workers also not very appreciable for the promotion of RTI Act in the state.
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