1. Looking at mobile screen, tv or laptop first thing in the morning.
2. Working on two or all of those together. Late night working on either of them.
3. Skipping or having a late meal
4. Oily food
5. Less water intake
6. Bad food combos like - capsicum with potatoes, palak with paneer, white whole gram with curd, saag with curd..
7. Less than req sugar intake
8. Anticipation of excitement- it includes excitement or anxiety before a long awaited event, esp related to performance before superiors, imp meetings, functions, a date, romance- and denial of all those esp desires.
9. Sharp lights, long driving, laser show, head lights
10.Some dry fruits esp groundnut can trigger migraine to some.
11. Constipation
Special points:
1. Migraine on right side of the head means tension and anxiety generally related to ego and professional matters- mainly related to outside world.
2. Left side headache means emotional trouble.
3. Complete headache means tired nerves and delay in treatment
4. Usually accompanied with nausea, could mean stomach trouble also
1. Popping a disprin dissolved in water at first symptom would help
2. Closing eyes, shutting down all work, lights immed helps
3, Looking long and hard at distant horison fixedly till water comes out from eyes helps a lot.
4. Drinking warm water helps. If two glasses are taken immediately when feeling nausea triggers easy vommittings and relief eventually.
5. Drinking lot of water helps usually.
6. Sniffing aromas can work good for some. My fav is to apply jandu balm on forehead and under the eyes. It brings tears and relief. Inhaling zandubalm slowly helps. Girls can try anulom vilom with zandu balm.it is good.
Migraine patients are usually of high intellect and senitivity. They need love and encouragement. They should be self indulgent-- shud love themselves a lot-- pamper themselves and try not to suppress desires.they should avoid being alone.
Hope this helps
You have done a very good research .perhaps? have forgot mentioning the Bibiliography and references .After reading this article I can boast of being an intellectual.
You have done a very good research .perhaps? have forgot mentioning the Bibiliography and references .After reading this article I can boast of being an intellectual.
dr sab...those are just my experiences..
Soothing to find something that can be tried. Thank you, very much.
Right now, my migraine is about to come, so, trying gazing fixedly at a distance, in combination with balm. On other fronts (hydration, and diet), I am doing okay.
Although, taking low dosage of any NSAID (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, diclofenac, etc.) or paracetamol, will kill my migraine, I will avoid the urge to take any medicine till it becomes unbearable.
For me, if I am not in the office, and I can somehow become moderately active (brisk walking, even in extreme sun), it helps a lot. Taking a banana also helps. Perhaps the brain needs constant levels of oxygen, and/or sugar. For me the hot weather actually helps, as the more I perspire, more relief I get.
Soothing to find something that can be tried. Thank you, very much.
Right now, my migraine is about to come, so, trying gazing fixedly at a distance, in combination with balm. On other fronts (hydration, and diet), I am doing okay.
Although, taking low dosage of any NSAID (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, diclofenac, etc.) or paracetamol, will kill my migraine, I will avoid the urge to take any medicine till it becomes unbearable.
For me, if I am not in the office, and I can somehow become moderately active (brisk walking, even in extreme sun), it helps a lot. Taking a banana also helps. Perhaps the brain needs constant levels of oxygen, and/or sugar. For me the hot weather actually helps, as the more I perspire, more relief I get.
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